Who are Boleskine Community Care?

Boleskine Community Care is a charity (SCIO) established and run by volunteer trustees.

Under the constitution a maximum of 10 trustees, elected annually from the membership, conduct the affairs of the group. The membership or ‘Friends’ of BCC are drawn from the residents of Stratherrick & Foyers.

The board of Trustees coordinate the various sub groups dealing with the Friends volunteer projects e.g. Community Transport Scheme, Handyman Scheme, Befriending Scheme etc. Funding for these various projects is accessed by the Trustees.

Alongside the volunteer work the charity has also established a professionally run Care at Home service in partnership with Highland Hospice.

The current Trustees are:

Kit Cameron (Chair) – Whitebridge
Billy Mackenzie (Treasurer)- Foyers
Katherine Grant (Secretary) – Gorthleck
Susan Erlam (Fundraising & Marketing) – Whitebridge
Gordon Batchen – Foyers
Isobel Allen – Inverfarigaig

For more information about the Trustees click here.